The Just shall live by Faith

21 Mar, 2020

Audio Sermon

Dear beloved,

Let us thank God that we are alive, healthy and in the House of God.  There is so much shaking in the world. only those who are in Him shall not be shaken and shall not be moved. Only Jesus is the answer to the problem. The solution is in the word of God.  Study the Word of God, meditate on it, breathe on it. Let God’s word get into your spirit. He is the answer. This month is a month of victory. God hasn’t changed his word. Run to his word. Stand on his WORD. He is at your right hand. He shall not be shaken. Every fear has to go in the name of jesus. A believer must have no fear. You are separated and set apart from the World. You are his possession. God says – I am resurrection and life. Donot fear. Only Believe. Every loss you had will reverse into gain.  let not your focus be on silver and gold and on things that perish, but let your focus be on God. We are looking on the Son of God on the Cross and have received our deliverance, healing and victory. The Just shall live by Faith.

My children, run into the secret place of the most High God and rest in his presence.  In this perilous times, people who donot know God will come to know God and his Resurrection power. He is a covenant keeping God. He is the most High God and is exalted on the throne. Heaven is his throne and earth is his footstool.  The kingdom of God is about Joy, peace and righteousness. worship him and he will make a way of escape. Be of good cheer. Bless the Lord at all times.

If you know you love Jesus and how much God loves and cares for you, you will not fear. We stand on the blood of Jesus. There is power in the blood of Jesus.

Meditation verse:

Hebrews12:25-29, Haggai 2:4-7, 1 John 4:18 , 2 Tim 1:7 and Psalms 91

Songs: I am gonna see the victory for the battle belongs to the Lord.