Sept 27 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading is Romans 8:28 ; Hab 3:17-19; Phil 4:4

God is in the centre of all that is happening in your life.  He is always in control. Rom 8:28. All things are working for good to them that love their Lord who are called according to His purpose. Its not only good things its all things. Whatever God permits in your life is working for your good. E.g.) Joseph.  Learn to handle it carefully by the power of the Holy spirit. Don’t become bitter angry and upset. Don’t moan and complain. Know that he will bring you out of every trial and test victoriously. Know that your change has already come. Rejoice in the Lord always. Meditate on the scripture from Habakkuk 3:17-19. Even though many things have failed in your life. Yet will I rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation.He is my strength. He will make my feet like deer’s feet and He will make me walk on my high hills. You will walk on your high hills and your horn shall be exalted. God bless you.

Sept 26 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Scripture reading is from Joel 2:23-27; Isaiah 61:7 & Job 42:10

God has brought you into a season of restoration. He will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust consuming locust and chewing locust. Whatever the enemy the thief has robbed of you he has to pay back 7 times Proverbs 6:31
Your threshing floors shall be full of wheat means you shall reap bountifully and your vats shall  overflow with new wine and oil means the anointing of the Holy spirit. You shall eat and be satisfied for the Lord your God has dealt wondrously with you and you shall not be ashamed and you shall have double honour. Instead of confusion you shall rejoice in your portion and everlasting joy shall be yours. Like Job, the Lord shall restore double to you in every area in your life. Be restored. Experience an overflow in your life. God bless you.

Sept 25 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Scripture reading Isaiah 60:20; Isaiah 14:3 & Nehemiah 8:10

The days of your mourning shall be ended. In the book of Nehemiah the Lord says, Do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Some of us still want to grieve over the past losses and want to park our tents for some more time like Naomi. God was taking her into a new season of abundance joy and peace but she wanted to brood on the past for some more time. She still wanted to wear her sack cloth and wanted to be called Mara. Some of you are doing the same. God says change has already come but you are the one blocking it. All Naomi had to do was to embrace her change of season from a season of famine to a season  of harvest through Ruth. God will send people your way to help you.  Psalms 126:5-6. Those who sow in tears, shall reap in joy. Isaiah 14:3 says the Lord gives you rest from your sorrow. The days of your hard labour have come to an end. Rejoice and be glad your change has come. Live it. God bless you.

06 Oct 2018 – You have crossed over to the other side

You have crossed over to the other side

The Lord God says ” You have crossed over to the other side. That storm couldn’t stop you as Jesus is in your boat. God is saying, ” You have gone to the other side. He has carried you to the other side.” 
For more on the sermon, please listen to the audio podcast below…

Sermon Audio

15 Sept 2018 – Your waiting will not be in vain

Your waiting will not be in vain

Your waiting will not be in vain. You will rise up like an eagle. As you are waiting, you are processed and being prepared. In your preparation there is favour awaiting you.  Look at Esther’s preparation. Joseph was also diligent in his preparation.

God says, Where you are right now, You are going through a process… For more on the sermon please listen to the audio podcast below…

Sermon Audio