Nov 07 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is Psalms 18 :30; John 6:63 & Hebrews 4:12-13

The word of the Lord is proven. He is a shield to all who trust in Him. Hold on to His word and stand on His word. Do not compromise or settle for any thing less. What God has spoken He will surely do it. His word will surely come to pass. He will never fail you. Silence every other voice that is speaking to you by  the word of God. Abraham wanted to settle with Ishmael but God appeared to him at the age of 99 and told him that Ishmael  is not the covenant child and that He will give him a son from his loins and that he should walk blameless. God told Jacob I will be with you until I fulfil or I have done what  I have spoken. (Gen 28:15) Hannah holds  on to Gods word that Lord  your word says my womb shall be fruitful and not barren and I will be a joyous mother of Children. So shall I be. Even though her husband loved her a lot and told her he was to her more than 10 sons and gave her bigger portions than Peninnah. She did not settle for that but continued to pray and seek God through His word until she saw the word being established. Have you settled in life with  that which is not in line with Gods word and compromised by saying its not in Gods will. Become violent in prayer and take what the word of God says  by telling the enemy it is written and I shall have it. God bless you.