Nov 08 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord people of the most high God. Today’s  scripture reading is Mark 4:35 -40 & Acts 27:21-25.

Gods word stands forever. It will never fail you at any time. Unless we stopped believing it or we are confessing negative against the word of God or if our faith is not mixed with the word of God. Today God is reminding us that no storm that you are going through in life can kill or destroy you because I have already given you a word that is “Let us cross over to the other side”. The other side has great things awaiting you,mighty miracles and great breakthroughs. The enemy can only pull your faith and belief through FEAR. The disciples had Jesus in their boat just like you and me  we have Jesus in our life in us and yet we are fearful at times. God is saying you are crossing over to the other side. That problem sickness or situation cannot destroy you because I have already told you the end from the beginning. Paul told the people that there will  be no loss of life among you but only of the ship why? “Because – I carry destiny, I need to bear witness of Christ”. Who can kill you or destroy you. When you are in the purpose and plan of God. You are called to work in his Kingdom to expand and extend the kingdom. No weapon formed or fashioned against you shall prosper and every tongue that is rising up against you in judgement shall be condemned. You are an overcomer. God bless you.