Thanks and Praise
Thank you God my Father. Thank you for your grace and mercy in Christ Jesus who gave himself for me to deliver me from sin and death according to your will. Thank you God my Father and Saviour Jesus Christ for this sweet unmerited love and mercy.
Thank you for making my heart open up to your Gospel of Grace. I thank God for this grace and mercy because it pleased him to separate me from my mother’s womb and call me unto His grace at the right time. I thank you for revealing your Son in me and giving me the grace to preach him and his Gospel of peace to my brethren. To you God be all the glory.
Thank you God for the liberty that I have in Christ Jesus that I am freed from the bondage of law and sin by the faith in Jesus Christ. Yes, I am justified by the faith of Jesus Christ and not by works as I know that no flesh can be justified by the works of the Law.
Thank you God for giving me the grace to stand strong on the gospel of Christ and Christ’s redemptive work on the Cross. I thank you for helping me crucify my old self so that I am a new born again believer in Christ. Now it is no longer I, but Christ liveth in me. And as long as I abide in this flesh, I abide by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Thank you God for helping me stand strong in the righteousness of God.
Thank you God for taking pleasure and being pleased with my faith in you. You are a Faith God, and you do not see the person, but see his faith in you. Thank you for acknowledging my act of faith and sending your Holy Spirit my comforter and everlasting companion to abide in me as I believed in you by the hearing of Faith. Thank you for honouring my faith by all your blessings and miracles, signs and wonders as I confess and declare your faith over all my situation. I receive all your blessings by faith and not due to my works. As Abraham believed in God and was accounted as righteous and received all blessings and promises by faith, I too shall inherit all the blessings of Abraham by faith. Thank you God for making me a partaker of the covenant blessings of Abraham by my faith and belief in Christ Jesus. Thank you God for imputing sonship in Christ as heir of Abraham’s promise and inheritance. As all the blessings of God are Yes and Amen in Christ, I inherit and choose to receive not one but all the blessings in Christ Jesus my Lord.
I choose to believe in my God and the integrity of his covenant and shall do mighty exploits in your name as I know the riches of his covenant blessings in Christ Jesus. As I am covered by the blood covenant of Jesus Christ, I am protected and shielded from all curses and sickness. I am not under condemnation as I am justified by Faith in Christ, by his finished work on the Cross. The covenant which I have in Christ Jesus protects me from all curses and corruption in this world. In fact, I am an heir of God’s heavenly blessings according to the promise of God with Jesus Christ – the seed of Abraham, as I am baptized into Christ and belong to Him. For this, I thank God as I can boldly come and access his Throne room Grace calling him as Abba! Father. I rejoice being so much blessed as God’s children. As Isaac was the son of promise to Abraham and enjoyed all his blessings by God’s blood covenant, I too shall enjoy all the blessings in Christ Jesus by his blood covenant on the Cross.I rejoice and wait in the spirit for the hope of righteousness by faith in Christ.
In rejoice in the fact that I am free and not under any yoke of bondage. I stand strong in Christ who hath made me free and has called me unto liberty from every bondage, sin and addictions which he nailed on the Cross. So I am now set free and walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. I am free from the lusts and works of flesh such as adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, uncleanness, idolatry, witch craft, hatred, discord, jealousy, anger, dissension and division which is in the world. But I bear the fruits of the spirit which is peace, love, joy, long suffering, kindness, faith, generosity, meekness and self control. As I have crucified all the lusts and works of flesh in Christ, and live and walk in the spirit, I shall inherit the kingdom of God and be joint heir with Christ.
Even as I walk in spirit, I choose not to examine others but my own self and my actions. I shall encourage and restore my fellow brethren if he is overtaken in a fault. I shall bear my fellow brethren’s burden and support the ministry of God to the best of my ability. By doing this, I fulfil Christ’s law. As I reap what I sow, I sow deep and nurture my Spirit man with the word of God so that I reap the fruits of the spirit and life everlasting. I shall be watchful in doing good and I shall reap a bountiful harvest in my due season.
I give glory to God and my Lord Jesus Christ for all these blessings and promises. I thank God for making me a new creature in Christ. n this newness, I shall walk in mercy , favour and peace with men and God. The grace and mercy of God the Father and the fellowship of his Son, Lord Jesus Christ is with my Spirit. Amen!