Sept 21 – Daily Devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Scripture reading is 1Peter4:12-19 & 1Peter 5:10

Whatever trials tribulations challenges you are going through in life it is not to destroy you but to build you up to be what God  called you to be.It is very important for you to know how to react to it and how to handle it.Always remember you are not facing it by yourself the Lord is with you. Isaiah 43:2 says that he will be with you in the fire and the fire will not scorch you in the waters and the waters will not drown rejoice when you suffer for him knowing that you will be partakers of His glory.  What you are going through is for a while. It is to perfect you or complete you establish you strenghthen you and settle you. Everything that you are looking at as a problem is being settled and sorted. Just trust in him wholly and He will come through for you. Don’t lean on your own understanding lean on Him His word. He will never fail you. God bless you.