God will uphold the righteous

Feb 22, 2019

Praise the Lord Children of the most High God. Today’s scripture reading is from Jer 30:19-20 and Job 8:20-22.

“Behold God will not cast away the blameless, Nor will He uphold the evildoers. He will yet fill your mouth with laughing. And your lips with rejoicing. Those who hate you will be clothed with shame. And the dwelling place of the wicked will come to nothing.”

God will fill your mouth with Laughter and your lips with rejoicing. God will pay you double for your trouble. Out of your mouth shall proceed thanksgiving and merriment. You will have a testimony to glorify the marvellous and glorious works of the Lord.

God is faithful to fulfil everything that He has spoken. It’s time to see God fulfil what He has spoken. You shall see His performance as you hold on and rest on His word. God bless you.

Make a joyful shout unto the Lord

Feb 21, 2019

Praise the Lord saints of the most High God. Today’s scripture is from Psalms 66.

Let us make a joyful shout to God and sing praises to His glorious name.  Oh! Bless our God, you peoples and make the voice of His praise to be heard. For He keeps our souls among the living and does not allow our foot to be moved.

The Lord has moved on our behalf and did wondrous works for us. He has not turned away our  prayers but certainly God has heard us.

You shall testify “Come and see the works of God. He is awesome  in his doing towards the sons of God. And you will say, Come and see what the Lord Has done for me. God bless you 

God has heard your prayers

Feb 20, 2019

Praise the Lord, saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture is from Psalms 90:14 and 2 Kings 7:2.

Wake up every morning to the expectation  that God has heard your prayers and that He has answered prayers. God will then surprise you with His move. The Psalmist says, “Surprise us with Love at day break then we’ll skip and dance all the day. (Psalm 90:14; MSG)

God has many surprises in store for you but He is looking at your expectations. The man of God said, “Tomorrow about this time- two seahs of barley  for a shekel will be sold at the gate of Samaria”. The officer who heard the prophecy, made a choice not to believe, so he was not a partaker of the turnaround.

Be a partaker of what God has spoken and experience God’s unexpected blessing over your life. God bless you 

Our God is glorious God

Feb 19, 2019

Praise the Lord People of the most high God. Today’ s scripture reading is from Exodus 15:11 and Exodus 34:10.

Our God is glorious in holiness. He is Fearful in praises and is doing wonders. There is no God like ours. He is doing things for you that your mind cannot comprehend. While you are resting on His word He is working out things for you and making your lines to fall in pleasant places.

In the book of Exodus 34:10, it says, “Behold I make a covenant before all your people. I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nations, and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is an awesome thing I will do with you.

Co operate with God for what He is about to do with you and experience His awesome wonders. God bless you. 

God will do unexpected things

Feb 18, 2019

Praise the Lord Children of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Psalms 126;1-3; and Psalms 118:23

Today’s message is about a ‘WOW moment’. God is talking about unexpected things that are going to happen in your life the next 15 days. Each day, you have God surprises in store for you.

God is doing things that you have not expected or thought about. Just like the people of Israel were brought out of their captivity and returned to Zion, God has liberated you from everything that has been hindering and blocking you. He has filled your mouth with laughter and your tongue with singing.

Rejoice in the Lord. Give Him your praise and your dance of Victory. The enemy cannot hold you from receiving your breakthrough and your blessings. Rehearse your testimony, “The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad”. You will gather your sheaves rejoicing. God bless you.

God is watching over his word to perform it

Feb 15, 2019

Praise the Lord Saints of the most High God. Today’s scripture reading is from Haba kkuk 2:2 and Jeremiah 1:9-12.

Beloved as you are giving God the highest praise and worship that is due unto His Holy name, you will see every stronghold being loosened and every crooked path being made straight in Jesus name. God has put words in your mouth. So declare His words of victory over your marriage, over that sickness, stubborn problems, finances, the visions and prophesies.

God put words in Jeremiah’s mouth and asked him to speak it without any fear. He also asked him what he could see? When Jeremiah told the Lord what He saw, the Lord told him that he saw well. God wants you to speak to your situation next. He wants you to see what you have been speaking. He wants you to visualise what you been praying to happen.

The Lord says your declaration and your vision should be  in line with my word. I’m watching over my word to perform it. God’s waiting for the alignment so He can perform what He has spoken. The vision is for an appointed time. Though it tarries wait for it. Because it will surely come. It will not tarry. God bless you.