Dec 14 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord saints of the most High God.Scripture reading is from the book of 1 Thes 5:15-22; Romans 8:28.

We are at the end of another week that God has carried us through. Let us give him the praise and thanks giving the glory honour and praise. The will of God for us in our lives is to give thanks to God in all situations and at all times. God is not just a God that works out good things and the enemy works out bad things. God works out all things for my good and your good. Even when they look bad to us their is still something good that is going to come out of it. God is working it for good to whom? To them that love the Lord who are called according to His purpose. That is you and me.what you are going through is not to destroy you but to build you up. Embrace it and you will come out victoriously. God bless you.

Dec 13 -Daily devotion

Praise the Lord children of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from Psalms 5:12; Genesis 39 :1-6 & 21-23;

The word of God says that He will bless the righteous with favour and surround him with favour. God has blessed us with his favour. God delights in us and we have God’s approval in every thing we are favoured. Like Joseph sold into Potiphar’s house as a slave but did not remain as a slave because of the favour of God. God was with Joseph and the household of Potiphar prospered because of Joseph. Joseph found favour in the sight of his master and his master made him an overseer of his house. Joseph also found favour with the prison in charge and was given to be the head in charge because God was with him. May you operate with the favour of God. May the Lord delight in you and approve you and may you be promoted in every area in your life. Esther found favour with Hegai because she pleased him and she was given special treatment. Esther 2:15 and Esther found favour in the sight of all who saw her and in verse 17 it says she obtained grace and favour in the sight of the king more than all the other virgins. Today let each one of us see Gods favour move us into places we never expected. Receive things we never dreamed about and experience Gods favour and His approval in our lives in a mighty way. God bless you