The Great I AM is with you

Feb 12, 2019

Praise the Lord, saints of the most high God. Today’s scripture reading is from  Psalms 68:28 and Exodus 3:14 and 20-22.

Every thing that you are in or facing ,the ‘Great I AM’ is with you. Introduce ‘I AM WHO I AM’ to your situation or circumstance or to the demons like Moses did in Egypt to Pharaoh  and God will display His power. The power of the great I AM which He has used on our behalf. God told Moses, “I Will stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in its midst and after that he will let you go”.

Whatever is holding you and not allowing you to progress forward will let you go. Therefore, Sickness has to go. Pain has to go. Sorrow and depression has to go. Likewise, every demonic oppression has to go. It cannot hold you back.

God has given you victory over every situation and circumstance over every thing. What has been waging war against you has already been defeated. You are an overcomer in Christ. God bless you.